Sleep Disorders disrupt the overall quality of life of tens of millions of people.  Many sufferers are not actually aware they have a problem and those who are, often decide not to seek the help they need.

Due to advances in the science of Sleep Medicine, help can be found for those who suffer from bad sleep.  The International Classification of Sleep Disorders, Second Edition, documents 81 official sleep disorders.

Over the years, patients and therapists have reported the positive effects SOE has on sleep disorders, fatigue and other related symptoms.  This has given us reason to perform preliminary trials and accurately monitor the results as a basis for ongoing and larger studies.

Dr. med. Klaus Erpenbach.
SOE Health Ltd.
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Atmospheric air activated by Singlet Oxygen Energy (SOE) technology leads to improved utilisation of available oxygen in the atmospheric air.  A preliminary study provided evidence that inhalation of SOE activated air encouraged high levels of Noradrenalin and Adrenalin to return to normal and the level of Seratonin to increase.  The ability to fall asleep, to sleep through the night and mood swings in the morning were all positively influenced.  The study was used to establish whether or not SOE technology can alleviate sleep disorders and mood swings.

Patients and Methodology:
70 patients suffering from sleep disorders (less than 6 hours of sleep per night) and morning fatigue were instructed to use the SOE-MAC next to their bed at night.  After a 4 week period, the patients were interviewed by telephone about their sleep patterns, mood and morning fatigue.

Out of the 70 patients with sleep disorders and using the SOE-MAC during the night whilst sleeping, 82% were able to confirm that they were able to sleep for more than 6 hours without interruption after the first 4 weeks.  78% of the patients reported they felt more refreshed in the morning and more motivated to start the day.  28% reported that they awakened earlier but felt refreshed and well rested.

Side-effects (dry mucosa, headaches) were not reported.

Patients suffering from sleep disorders and morning mood swings that used the SOE-therapy experienced a marked improvement in their sleep patterns and morning motivation after only 4 weeks of nightly application.

Whether the observed changes to the neurotransmitters are responsible for these results must be monitored in future studies.
Recorded Results After 28 Days

Ability to fall asleep

Ability to sleep for more than 6 hours

Awakening feeling refreshed

More energy during the day

Fewer mood swings

To learn more about the natural and
drug-free SOE technology,
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